Scrapey takes a snapshot of Reddit/r/all hot, and saves the data to a .csv file including a calculated age for each post about every 12 minutes. Run time is about 2 minutes per iteration and each time adds about 100 unique posts to the list while updating any post it's already seen.
To run it yourself you should create a file ./sekrit with your:
Each value goes on their own line in this order, or you can just hard code them below.
If you don't want to use a username or password just comment out those lines below
import praw
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime
import time
print('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
Load all from current collection
# Connect to DB
db_name = 'data/startingover.csv'
# db = pd.DataFrame() # for fresh start
db = pd.read_csv(db_name)
print('Connected to DB...')
Access Reddit API via PRAW
# Extremely Confidential
sekrits = open('sekrit').read().split('\n')
# Connect to Reddit
reddit = praw.Reddit(
client_id = sekrits[0],
client_secret = sekrits[1],
username = sekrits[2], # Optional
password = sekrits[3], # Optional
redirect_uri= 'http://localhost:8080',
user_agent = 'totally_not_a_bot', # fool everyone
print('Connected to Reddit...')
The following block is a little large but if I split it up it will break the loop and it can't be run from the notebook.
# Grab everything from /r/all hot
while True:
pull = pd.DataFrame({\
# 'comments': post.comments, # takes really long, returns object
'created_utc': post.created_utc,
'distinguished': post.distinguished,
'edited': post.edited,
'is_original_content': post.is_original_content,
'is_self': post.is_self,
'link_flair_text': post.link_flair_text,
'locked': post.locked,
'num_comments': post.num_comments,
'over_18': post.over_18,
'permalink': post.permalink,
'score': post.score,
'selftext': post.selftext,
'spoiler': post.spoiler,
'stickied': post.stickied,
'subreddit': post.subreddit,
'title': post.title,
'upvote_ratio': post.upvote_ratio,
'url': post.url,
'utc_now': datetime.utcnow().timestamp(),
'post_age': (datetime.utcnow().timestamp()-post.created_utc) # Create age col
} for post in reddit.subreddit('all').hot(limit=None))
# add new list to BOTTOM of old list
db = pd.concat([db,pull])
# effectively update post record in place
db = db.drop_duplicates('id',keep='last')
# save
db.to_csv(db_name, index=False)
# stats
total = db.shape[0]
haul = pull.shape[0]
print('Haul: ',pull.shape)
print('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
# wait
print('Now wait...')
I run this in the background in a terminal and it updates my data set every ~12 minutes. I have records of all posts within about 12 minutes of them disappearing from /r/all.
Next up: EDA