What's in here that looks useful?
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
# Load from "db"
db = pd.read_csv('data/startingover.csv')
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 48565 entries, 0 to 48564 Data columns (total 23 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 author 48544 non-null object 1 created_utc 48565 non-null float64 2 distinguished 47 non-null object 3 edited 48565 non-null object 4 id 48565 non-null object 5 is_original_content 48565 non-null bool 6 is_self 48565 non-null bool 7 link_flair_text 25836 non-null object 8 locked 48565 non-null bool 9 name 48565 non-null object 10 num_comments 48565 non-null int64 11 over_18 48565 non-null bool 12 permalink 48565 non-null object 13 score 48565 non-null int64 14 selftext 2243 non-null object 15 spoiler 48565 non-null bool 16 stickied 48565 non-null bool 17 subreddit 48565 non-null object 18 title 48565 non-null object 19 upvote_ratio 48565 non-null float64 20 url 48565 non-null object 21 utc_now 48565 non-null float64 22 post_age 48565 non-null float64 dtypes: bool(6), float64(4), int64(2), object(11) memory usage: 6.6+ MB
'num_comments' is going to be the target, let's get a closer look at the distribution
count 48565.000000 mean 84.723463 std 346.739562 min 0.000000 25% 10.000000 50% 26.000000 75% 69.000000 max 27985.000000 Name: num_comments, dtype: float64
This appears to be heavily impacted by outliers, I'll pick a cutoff at 6000 comments and see where that gets us
There are some extreme outliers here, they're skewing the data and there are so few of them that we won't miss them at all. So we'll drop and re-plot
db = db.drop(db[db.num_comments>6000].index)
count 48544.000000 mean 79.740957 std 223.601340 min 0.000000 25% 10.000000 50% 26.000000 75% 68.250000 max 5876.000000 Name: num_comments, dtype: float64
Much clearer picture, also I put the plots on a log scale so we can actually see the distribution, otherwise it'd just be a massive bar at 0 and it would push everything else so far down that you can't see anything. I could probably go further but I don't want to misrepresent the data
There are a few features that jumped out at me as interesting:
Out of {len(db)} total posts...\n\
{db.is_self.value_counts()[True]} posts are self posts\n\
{db.over_18.value_counts()[True]} posts are NSFW (18+)\n\
{db.spoiler.value_counts()[True]} posts are marked as spoilers\n\
{db.is_original_content.value_counts()[True]} posts are of original content\n\
{db.locked.value_counts()[True]} posts are locked\n\
{db.stickied.value_counts()[True]} posts are stickied\n\
Out of 48544 total posts... -------------------------------- 2495 posts are self posts 1001 posts are NSFW (18+) 866 posts are marked as spoilers 830 posts are of original content 212 posts are locked 145 posts are stickied
While the number of these posts compared to the total posts isn't significant I feel that they can only add (not much) to the accuracy of the model. They only add one column each so it's cheap as well. If I had more time I would probably create a column for has_flair as well.
Some numeric columns I would like to include are score, post age, upvote ratio, and number of comments (which will become the target). Let's get an idea for what's going on.
count 48544.000000 mean 2130.988176 std 6702.179836 min 45.000000 25% 263.000000 50% 568.000000 75% 1465.000000 max 193501.000000 Name: score, dtype: float64
Both axes divided by 100 to make it easier to read
Score is a strong predictor of number of comments, the highest scoring posts are almost guaranteed to have an above-median number of comments.
sns.jointplot(x=db.post_age,y=db.num_comments, kind='reg');
count 48544.000000 mean 59368.201209 std 23001.003540 min 14846.543459 25% 41004.177545 50% 57975.297003 75% 76686.219161 max 101274.168406 Name: post_age, dtype: float64
It could be clearer, but there is some correlation with age and post count. You can also see how sparse super hot posts actually are.
title | subreddit | num_comments | score | |
38037 | to push past armed courtroom guards | therewasanattempt | 5876 | 72261 |
36183 | Avs VS Oilers Western Conference Finals Game 4... | ColoradoAvalanche | 5851 | 300 |
33841 | Live WWE RAW Discussion Thread! - June 6th, 2022! | SquaredCircle | 5682 | 128 |
36694 | What would you never tell your current partner? | AskMen | 5679 | 10159 |
1181 | Nearly half of families with kids can no longe... | news | 5464 | 60516 |
28900 | Ohio House Republicans vote to put Canada on a... | nottheonion | 5389 | 53999 |
39946 | Elon Musk asserts his "right to terminate" Twi... | technology | 5369 | 28363 |
28235 | Prince Louis of Cambridge | funny | 5334 | 104033 |
32875 | "Everybody is trying to blame us" | PublicFreakout | 5230 | 89886 |
7931 | My GF’s friend stayed with us last weekend (fo... | iamverybadass | 5173 | 24474 |
I expected to see mostly news here, and while news and current events is here (30% in my case at time of writing) the rest of it is drastically different. Anything can go viral it seems
title | subreddit | num_comments | score | |
46529 | More of this please. | MadeMeSmile | 5146 | 157009 |
47421 | Helicopter footage of a loose cow being wrangl... | interestingasfuck | 4347 | 126608 |
28235 | Prince Louis of Cambridge | funny | 5334 | 104033 |
16638 | This $10 salad I paid for at a restaurant | mildlyinfuriating | 4336 | 103858 |
32875 | "Everybody is trying to blame us" | PublicFreakout | 5230 | 89886 |
22957 | Even the military knows assault rifles belong ... | WhitePeopleTwitter | 4047 | 80801 |
38037 | to push past armed courtroom guards | therewasanattempt | 5876 | 72261 |
1181 | Nearly half of families with kids can no longe... | news | 5464 | 60516 |
19201 | It Costs $110,000 to Fully Gear-Up in Diablo I... | technology | 5150 | 58244 |
11976 | Electric Vehicles are measurably reducing glob... | technology | 4120 | 55080 |
Sorting by score is a similar story. This is where machine learning really blows my mind, there's no apparent correlation here but somehow it manages to find it
sns.jointplot(x=db.upvote_ratio,y=db.num_comments, kind='reg');
count 48544.000000 mean 0.963388 std 0.041302 min 0.510000 25% 0.950000 50% 0.980000 75% 0.990000 max 1.000000 Name: upvote_ratio, dtype: float64
Upvote ratio goes down as the number of comments increases, at first I thought this seemed backwards but I guess the majority of reddit comments are of such low quality that it drives the metric down into the dirt
Let's put it in a dataframe so we can work with it. And also drop any NAs that appear (I don't see any, but I don't want any if they appear in the future)
Next, we clean